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Last Windows XP "Patch" Has Been Released

Xoftmax Update:
Microsoft released the initial notification about updates to the latest security patches will be released on Tuesday (07/13/2010) tomorrow. In total there are 5 vulnerabilities that will be addressed by these patches.For Windows XP there are two patches to be released. Respectively for the problems that have been disclosed to Microsoft, but has never been solved. One is the vulnerability of so-called zero-day in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that help system disclosed a month ago by Travis Ormandy.The patch will be the last for Windows XP SP2 because Microsoft will soon discontinue technical support for these operating systems. Today is also the last day security update for Windows 2000 and certainly will end support from Microsoft without a new patch again.
Other vulnerabilities to be addressed is the weakness that has been known since May lalupada 64-bit version of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Although technically this vulnerability, including critical, Microsoft said that it would be very difficult to exploit. For Windows Vista does not have weaknesses that need to be addressed.Two other recent patch update is intended for Microsoft Office. One of the critical updates are categorized and the other is an important update. All support the version of Office but Office 2010 has just been released.

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